We are tired of cookie-cutter social media strategy, and we bet you are, too.
Rabbit Rabbit is a catalyst for bands and artists looking to increase their social media following and fanbase through tailored social media strategy, community engagement, unique ads, and creative new content. We’ll get your numbers in tip-top shape while also expanding your fanbase with people who we know will love and listen to your music. We will devise a game plan specific to your project’s goals, budget, and audience to help you get your show on the road.
What we offer
Rabbit Rabbit offers a variety of services, ranging from content consulting and daily community engagement on Instagram, to developing physical media (think: art installations, QR codes, posters) that grabs the attention of fans who you would never be able to reach in the digital realm.
Origin Story
We were tired of seeing talented friends pour hundreds of hours of creative work into an album, only to release it into the world with a few bland social media announcements to an audience of first-connection fans. We also noticed that artists were stuck in a helpless cycle of trying to expand their fanbase by engaging a publicist, but they couldn’t engage a publicist without a fanbase! Not to mention that publicists aren’t always an affordable option for many artists. We want to use our professional experience at a top music management company to kickstart careers for bands and artists that we believe in. We want to show artists that creativity doesn’t have to stop in the studio.